
Type: Posts; User: Rubi1200; Keyword(s):

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  1. [ubuntu] Re: 22.04.4 live desktop installer: lack of partitioning and fs options

    I don't know if this will help at all, but this is what I found when setting up test installs in a VM:

    Ubuntu 22.04 as follows:

    1. start and choose Try Ubuntu
    2. open GParted and select device...
  2. [SOLVED] Re: recursive rename of many files in many directories?

    Not sure if you are in a position to do this, but I would urge caution and perhaps test in a VM first.

    If that is not an option, then add echo before rename in the code above. That will perform a...
  3. [SOLVED] Re: Snap application startup terminal command

    What does

    snap list show?

    You should be able to run it with either of these two commands:


    snap run nextcloud-client
  4. Replies

    [ubuntu] Re: Ping works but not sudo update! Why?

    Unless you have extended support, Xenial support ended April 2021.

    It also seems the PPA has not been updated. You could try contacting the author about this.

    Time to backup and do a fresh...
  5. [SOLVED] Re: Which ports to involve with firewall?

    What does that mean?

    Are you using a GUI frontend?

    There are many threads on the forum that discuss ports and basic rules about what to block (or not).

    Would be worthwhile searching for...
  6. Replies

    Re: goarted dependencies not installing

    Ubuntu 16.10 reached EOL on July 20, 2017.

    I cannot stress enough what the security risks are of running such an outdated version.

    Backup your important data and install a more recent version.
  7. Replies

    Re: Desktop icon has dissappeared...

    What version of Ubuntu is installed and when did this happen? After an update? Did you change any system configurations?
  8. Re: PC Stuck in Grub Rescue, can't fix Grub

    Note that the repair summary has already attempted an fsck on the partitions, although unsuccessfully.

    I would boot with a live USB, choose to Try Ubuntu and then open a terminal and try the boot...
  9. Re: Having some issues with Ubuntu 24.04...I think?

    Welcome to the forums :-)

    Wired or wireless connection?

    Do you happen to know what network cards are installed?
  10. Replies

    [kubuntu] Re: have troubles using kde-plasma

    When you get to the login screen with your username. Before you enter your password, if you click on the icon at the bottom right of the screen you can change the environment.
    Do you not have an...
  11. Replies

    [SOLVED] Re: Unable To Erase Disk And Install

    If you plugged in an external drive, you need to unmount it before attempting to write any changes.

    GParted will usually show a small key icon indicating the drive is mounted. If you right click...
  12. Replies

    [kubuntu] Re: have troubles using kde-plasma

    Updated? From what?

    Or is this a new install?

    What exactly do you want to do and what are you having problems with.

    More information will help us to help you.
  13. Replies

    [SOLVED] Re: Unable To Erase Disk And Install

    From your output:

    Partition Table: unknown

    If you use GParted from a live USB you need to first add a new partition table before you can format and add partitions or filesystems.

    I assume...
  14. Replies

    [ubuntu] Re: tcp Ports 53 and 631

    If you change your mind and want to enable CUPS at boot this is the command:

    sudo systemctl enable cups

    Can I suggest something?

    Keep a text document with a list of commands you used with...
  15. Replies

    [ubuntu] Re: What am I doing wrong!!!

    Press Enter and the virtual machine should reboot or you can restart it.

    I have noticed, sometimes, that even after a restart the CD-ROM drive appears to be connected. Usually, unmounting it...
  16. [SOLVED] Re: Installing Xubuntu 24.04 to HP Probook 645 G - Error 3F0

    Glad to hear you finally got this sorted out.

    To mark as Solved go to your first post >> Thread Tools >> Mark Solved.

    Good luck with the new install!
  17. Replies

    [ubuntu] Re: tcp Ports 53 and 631

    Start by showing the output of this command:

    sudo systemctl status cups

    If the service is running, stop it like this:

    sudo systemctl stop cups

    If you want to prevent it from running at...
  18. [SOLVED] Re: Installing Xubuntu 24.04 to HP Probook 645 G - Error 3F0

    Manual Installation = Choose something else. They changed the language some time back (don't recall exactly when).

    At this stage you need to click on the partition you wish to install to. Let''s...
  19. [SOLVED] Re: Installation of Ubuntu 24.04 taking too long

    I suspect this lies at the core of the problem.

    When you told the installer to install alongside it did what it was designed to do. It looked at your Windows install and started shrinking it to...
  20. [SOLVED] Re: Installation of Ubuntu 24.04 taking too long

    I have an HP laptop, Pavilion G6, with i3 core and 8GB of RAM (recently upgraded from 4GB).

    Ubuntu 24.04 installed in a VM in about 27 minutes.

    Did you partition the drive before install or did...
  21. [SOLVED] Re: Installing Xubuntu 24.04 to HP Probook 645 G - Error 3F0

    Not sure where things are holding now but please run the boot info script from a live USB.

    Choose to Try Xubuntu and then follow the instructions to create a summary report. It will offer to...
  22. [SOLVED] Re: Swap Partition/Swap File Not Being Created

    More tests:

    Kubuntu 24.04 and Ubuntu 24.04: both created swap files. Kubuntu, like Lubuntu, offers the option during installation.

    Since I am neither a developer nor a programmer I would not...
  23. Re: Installing Ubuntu alongside Windows on a laptop - original recovery configuration

    What version of Windows is currently installed? What version of Ubuntu do you want to install? Do you have backups of all important data?
  24. [SOLVED] Re: Swap Partition/Swap File Not Being Created

    Tested the following in VMs:

    Lubuntu 24.04
    Xubuntu 24.04

    Chose the option to erase and use entire disk (no other special options chosen).

    Lubuntu offered to create a swap file (as default)...
  25. Replies

    [lubuntu] Re: Japanese input for English speakers

    dragonfly41 is a well-respected member of the forums who has spent many years helping users.

    Perhaps we misunderstood what you want to do, I know I had to read your post a couple of times and I am...
Results 1 to 25 of 250
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