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Thread: ZFS encrypted Mint Installation not booting after a few updates

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2023

    ZFS encrypted Mint Installation not booting after a few updates

    Extremely fresh installation, only about a day old. Yesterday when installing from a live USB I had the single target drive encrypted using ZFS as well as encrypting the home folder of the install. When booting into mint today, it immediately thows "Error: checksum verification failed", then prints the error shown. I have both passwords, and all I'm concerned with is getting my files back. Any help is appreciated!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Ubuntu Development Release

    Re: ZFS encrypted Mint Installation not booting after a few updates

    Being you are not Ubuntu, this will probable get moved from here to an "Other OS" (Mint) Section. This is a dedicated support section for Ubuntu & it's flavors. If it does, PM me with the link where it gets moved, so I can continue to help you.

    Question: Did you just have an update involving 'zfs-dkms'?

    Please run the system0info script in my signature line. When you go to run it do
    ./system-info --details
    So it shows the ZFS details. Post the URL of where it uploads the report.

    Boot from a recent installer LiveUSB... Open a terminal session.

    This is from my notes for my contributions for boot-repair & boot-info
    sudo su -
    zpool export -a
    zpool import -N -R /mnt rpool  # If this errors, and says it was previously used by another system, add "-f" right before "-N"
    zpool import -N -R /mnt bpool  # If this errors, and says it was previously used by another system, add "-f" right before "-N"
    # This unlocks the native encrypted zfs zpool
    cryptsetup open /dev/zvol/rpool/keystore zfskey # this is where the keyfile is hidden and locked away
    # Enter your passphrase for /dev/zvol/rpool/keystore: 
    lsblk -e7 -o name,label,size,fstype
    #NAME     LABEL                   SIZE FSTYPE
    #sr0      Ubuntu 22.04 LTS amd64  3.4G iso9660
    #zd0                              500M crypto_LUKS
    #└─zfskey keystore-rpool          484M ext4
    #vda                               30G 
    #├─vda1                           512M vfat
    #├─vda2                           1.4G crypto_LUKS
    #├─vda3   bpool                   1.5G zfs_member
    #└─vda4   rpool                  26.7G zfs_member
    ls /dev/mapper
    # control  zfskey
    mount /dev/mapper/zfskey /media
    ls /media
    # lost+found  system.key
    cat /media/system.key | zfs load-key -L prompt rpool
    # <No output indicates that it unlocked without an error>
    zfs list
    # adapt this to the output from 'zfs list'
    zfs mount $(zfs list | awk '/rpool\/ROOT\/ubuntu_...... / {print $1}' )
    zfs mount $(zfs list | awk '/bpool\/BOOT\/ubuntu_...... / {print $1}' )
    zfs mount -a
    zfs list
    #NAME                                               USED  AVAIL     REFER  MOUNTPOINT
    #bpool                                              270M  1010M       96K  /mnt/boot
    #bpool/BOOT                                         269M  1010M       96K  none
    #bpool/BOOT/ubuntu_5ylu87                           269M  1010M      269M  /mnt/boot
    #rpool                                             9.65G  16.0G      192K  /mnt
    #rpool/ROOT                                        9.00G  16.0G      192K  none
    #rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_5ylu87                          9.00G  16.0G     5.35G  /mnt
    #rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_5ylu87/srv                       192K  16.0G      192K  /mnt/srv
    #rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_5ylu87/usr                       580K  16.0G      192K  /mnt/usr
    #rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_5ylu87/usr/local                 388K  16.0G      388K  /mnt/usr/local
    #rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_5ylu87/var                      3.65G  16.0G      192K  /mnt/var
    #rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_5ylu87/var/games                 192K  16.0G      192K  /mnt/var/games
    #rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_5ylu87/var/lib                  3.64G  16.0G     3.48G  /mnt/var/lib
    #rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_5ylu87/var/lib/AccountsService   212K  16.0G      212K  /mnt/var/lib/#AccountsService
    #rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_5ylu87/var/lib/NetworkManager    260K  16.0G      260K  /mnt/var/lib/NetworkManager
    #rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_5ylu87/var/lib/apt              98.2M  16.0G     98.2M  /mnt/var/lib/apt
    #rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_5ylu87/var/lib/dpkg             61.3M  16.0G     61.3M  /mnt/var/lib/dpkg
    #rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_5ylu87/var/log                  10.4M  16.0G     10.4M  /mnt/var/log
    #rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_5ylu87/var/mail                  192K  16.0G      192K  /mnt/var/mail
    #rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_5ylu87/var/snap                 2.64M  16.0G     2.64M  /mnt/var/snap
    #rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_5ylu87/var/spool                 276K  16.0G      276K  /mnt/var/spool
    #rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_5ylu87/var/www                   192K  16.0G      192K  /mnt/var/www
    #rpool/USERDATA                                     142M  16.0G      192K  /mnt
    #rpool/USERDATA/mikeferreira_hsfoy4                 142M  16.0G      142M  /mnt/home/mikeferreira
    #rpool/USERDATA/root_hsfoy4                         360K  16.0G      360K  /mnt/root
    #rpool/keystore                                     518M  16.5G     63.4M  -
    mount --make-private --rbind /dev  /mnt/dev
    mount --make-private --rbind /proc /mnt/proc
    mount --make-private --rbind /sys  /mnt/sys
    mount --make-private --rbind /run  /mnt/run
    cd /mnt
    chroot /mnt /bin/bash --login
    mount -a
    Do what you need to do...

    After you are through, to exit gracefully
    mount | grep -v zfs | tac | awk '/\/mnt/ {print $3}' | \
        xargs -i{} umount -lf {}
    zpool export -a
    I would do first, before doing anything, connect and mount to an external drive and rsync all the data you need to backup off it, so you can rstore it if something goes more wrong.

    Fortunately, ZFS is farely flexible, and resilient. I just blew out this laptop (ZFS-On-Root, with 6 pools) earlier today. It's been a bit since my last snapshots. Back up and running now. But I am not a usual user.

    "Concurrent coexistence of Windows, Linux and UNIX..." || Ubuntu user # 33563, Linux user # 533637
    Sticky: Graphics Resolution | UbuntuForums 'system-info' Script | Posting Guidelines | Code Tags

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Mystletainn Kick!

    Re: ZFS encrypted Mint Installation not booting after a few updates

    Moved to Mint
    Splat Double Splat Triple Splat
    Earn Your Keep
    Don't mind me, I'm only passing through.
    Once in a blue moon, I'm actually helpful

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Ubuntu Development Release

    Re: ZFS encrypted Mint Installation not booting after a few updates

    I found it. Looking for your system-info report URL, and how it's going...

    "Concurrent coexistence of Windows, Linux and UNIX..." || Ubuntu user # 33563, Linux user # 533637
    Sticky: Graphics Resolution | UbuntuForums 'system-info' Script | Posting Guidelines | Code Tags

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2023

    Re: ZFS encrypted Mint Installation not booting after a few updates

    First, thank you for your help. I'll try to clear up some things mentioned that I was unsure of before getting too specific with anything.

    Did you just have an update involving 'zfs-dkms'?
    I don't know the answer to this unfortunately. if it means anything, I only ran the automatic security updates from the built-in update manager. Everything else was left untouched since the install.

    Please run the system0info script in my signature line.
    Where exactly should I run the script? Since I was probably a bit too vague on the exact setup, I should clarify that there is only one drive involved that is refusing to boot and is encrypted both with ZFS and the home folder encryption option (something I now understand as a mistake).

    I would do first, before doing anything, connect and mount to an external drive and rsync all the data you need to backup off it, so you can rstore it if something goes more wrong.
    would I run into any issues doing this from a live-USB? If not, is this still possible given the added context of the setup?
    Last edited by stump199; December 1st, 2023 at 09:07 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2023

    Re: ZFS encrypted Mint Installation not booting after a few updates

    Another concerning issue is that when mounting through a live-USB the LUKS partition refuses to decrypt when entering the password I know to be correct, not sure how to prioritize this though. Or if it matters depending on where the data is.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Ubuntu Development Release

    Re: ZFS encrypted Mint Installation not booting after a few updates

    From a LiveUSB... I was thinking, since you are encrypted, you can just run it normally from a LiveCD. It's not going to show much until unlocked.

    "Concurrent coexistence of Windows, Linux and UNIX..." || Ubuntu user # 33563, Linux user # 533637
    Sticky: Graphics Resolution | UbuntuForums 'system-info' Script | Posting Guidelines | Code Tags

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2023

    Re: ZFS encrypted Mint Installation not booting after a few updates

    Here is the output of the script, very helpful stuff. How exactly would I back up the encrypted partitions? If necessary I have the disk space to do so, but the data I'm hoping to recover is only about 2GB and are nearly the only files on the install.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2023

    Re: ZFS encrypted Mint Installation not booting after a few updates

    I see now you meant backing up the data after decryption, I'll try the instructions you sent and report back.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2023

    Re: ZFS encrypted Mint Installation not booting after a few updates

    Tried the commands, got through it seemingly without errors but the drive still wasn't mounted. In the likely case that I'm missing something obvious I'll leave the commands/output of the terminal here:

    mint@mint:~$ sudo su -
    root@mint:~# zpool export -a
    root@mint:~# zpool import -N -R /mnt rpool
    root@mint:~# zpool import -N -R /mnt bpool
    root@mint:~# cryptsetup open /dev/zvol/rpool/keystore zfskey
    Enter passphrase for /dev/zvol/rpool/keystore:
    root@mint:~# lsblk -e7 -o name,label,size,fstype
    sda 465.8G
    ├─sda1 512M vfat
    ├─sda2 2G crypto_LUKS
    ├─sda3 bpool 2G zfs_member
    └─sda4 rpool 461.3G zfs_member
    sdb Linux Mint 21.2 Cinnamon 64-bit 28.9G iso9660
    ├─sdb1 Linux Mint 21.2 Cinnamon 64-bit 2.8G iso9660
    ├─sdb2 ESP 4.1M vfat
    └─sdb3 writable 26.1G ext4
    zd0 500M crypto_LUKS
    └─zfskey keystore-rpool 484M ext4
    root@mint:~# ls /dev/mapper
    control zfskey
    root@mint:~# mount /dev/mapper/zfskey /media
    root@mint:~# ls /media
    lost+found system.key
    cat /media/system.key | zfs load-key -L prompt rpool
    root@mint:~# zfs list
    bpool 134M 1.62G 96K /mnt/boot
    bpool/BOOT 134M 1.62G 96K none
    bpool/BOOT/ubuntu_eeb9r4 134M 1.62G 134M /mnt/boot
    rpool 40.3G 405G 192K /mnt
    rpool/ROOT 39.8G 405G 192K none
    rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_eeb9r4 39.8G 405G 39.4G /mnt
    rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_eeb9r4/srv 192K 405G 192K /mnt/srv
    rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_eeb9r4/usr 632K 405G 192K /mnt/usr
    rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_eeb9r4/usr/local 440K 405G 440K /mnt/usr/local
    rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_eeb9r4/var 350M 405G 192K /mnt/var
    rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_eeb9r4/var/games 192K 405G 192K /mnt/var/games
    rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_eeb9r4/var/lib 347M 405G 99.9M /mnt/var/lib
    rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_eeb9r4/var/lib/AccountsService 244K 405G 244K /mnt/var/lib/AccountsService
    rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_eeb9r4/var/lib/NetworkManager 288K 405G 288K /mnt/var/lib/NetworkManager
    rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_eeb9r4/var/lib/apt 170M 405G 170M /mnt/var/lib/apt
    rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_eeb9r4/var/lib/dpkg 76.2M 405G 76.2M /mnt/var/lib/dpkg
    rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_eeb9r4/var/log 1.83M 405G 1.83M /mnt/var/log
    rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_eeb9r4/var/mail 192K 405G 192K /mnt/var/mail
    rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_eeb9r4/var/snap 192K 405G 192K /mnt/var/snap
    rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_eeb9r4/var/spool 276K 405G 276K /mnt/var/spool
    rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_eeb9r4/var/www 192K 405G 192K /mnt/var/www
    rpool/USERDATA 2.96M 405G 192K /mnt
    rpool/USERDATA/root_267fvj 1.23M 405G 1.23M /mnt/root
    rpool/USERDATA/stump_267fvj 1.54M 405G 1.54M /mnt/home/stump
    rpool/keystore 518M 406G 63.4M -
    root@mint:~# zfs mount $(zfs list | awk '/rpool\/ROOT\/ubuntu_eeb9r4 / {print $1}' )
    root@mint:~# zfs mount $(zfs list | awk '/bpool\/BOOT\/ubuntu_eeb9r4 / {print $1}' )
    root@mint:~# zfs mount -a
    root@mint:~# zfs list
    bpool 134M 1.62G 96K /mnt/boot
    bpool/BOOT 134M 1.62G 96K none
    bpool/BOOT/ubuntu_eeb9r4 134M 1.62G 134M /mnt/boot
    rpool 40.3G 405G 192K /mnt
    rpool/ROOT 39.8G 405G 192K none
    rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_eeb9r4 39.8G 405G 39.4G /mnt
    rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_eeb9r4/srv 192K 405G 192K /mnt/srv
    rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_eeb9r4/usr 632K 405G 192K /mnt/usr
    rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_eeb9r4/usr/local 440K 405G 440K /mnt/usr/local
    rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_eeb9r4/var 350M 405G 192K /mnt/var
    rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_eeb9r4/var/games 192K 405G 192K /mnt/var/games
    rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_eeb9r4/var/lib 347M 405G 99.9M /mnt/var/lib
    rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_eeb9r4/var/lib/AccountsService 244K 405G 244K /mnt/var/lib/AccountsService
    rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_eeb9r4/var/lib/NetworkManager 288K 405G 288K /mnt/var/lib/NetworkManager
    rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_eeb9r4/var/lib/apt 170M 405G 170M /mnt/var/lib/apt
    rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_eeb9r4/var/lib/dpkg 76.2M 405G 76.2M /mnt/var/lib/dpkg
    rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_eeb9r4/var/log 1.83M 405G 1.83M /mnt/var/log
    rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_eeb9r4/var/mail 192K 405G 192K /mnt/var/mail
    rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_eeb9r4/var/snap 192K 405G 192K /mnt/var/snap
    rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_eeb9r4/var/spool 276K 405G 276K /mnt/var/spool
    rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_eeb9r4/var/www 192K 405G 192K /mnt/var/www
    rpool/USERDATA 2.96M 405G 192K /mnt
    rpool/USERDATA/root_267fvj 1.23M 405G 1.23M /mnt/root
    rpool/USERDATA/stump_267fvj 1.54M 405G 1.54M /mnt/home/stump
    rpool/keystore 518M 406G 63.4M -
    root@mint:~# mount --make-private --rbind /dev /mnt/dev
    root@mint:~# mount --make-private --rbind /proc /mnt/proc
    root@mint:~# mount --make-private --rbind /sys /mnt/sys
    root@mint:~# mount --make-private --rbind /run /mnt/run
    root@mint:~# cd /mnt
    root@mint:/mnt# chroot /mnt /bin/bash --login
    root@mint:/# mount -a
    if something is off here, let me know and I'll try again.

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